Tag Archives: Budget Deliberations Hearing

Cable Advisory Board Bridges Budget Gap

Since September of 2009, when the Plainfield Cable Television Advisory Board was reorganized and elected a new Chairman, a heightened sense of the value of Public Access Television has increased.  Over the past 11 months, the PCTVAB has worked diligently to increase public awareness, educational initiative and citizen participation regarding this under utilized resource.

Area Student handles Pro Digital Video Camera during Internship training session

With recent cutbacks and budget deficits, it has become more and more apparent that everyone must do more with less.  As a response to this dilemma, the Advisory Board has stepped up with practical answers to the financial woes as it relates to the Department of Media and the City of Plainfield.

In the past several months it became apparent that the former model of hiring a videographer to capture city events was becoming expensive.  In May of 2010, the City released the only full time employee in the Department of Media (not including Director of Media, Chris Payne), without a comprehensive plan to compensate for the loss of this vital position.  Simultaneous to this situation, the PCTVAB was finalizing the Policies and Procedures for Operation of PCTV 96/34.  Within the P&P() was the seeds of solution; now known as the Internship and Producer Certification Programs.

Not only do these programs present framework to encourage young people to pursue creative outlets, they also prepare them for careers in Communications.  Broadcast Journalism, Stage Management, Technical Direction, Producing, Writing and Editing are all core areas of concentration that are encouraged by these Policy initiatives.  Furthermore,  these Programs within the P&P are also saving dollars by relieving the need to hire a videographer at $100.00 per hour.

Students chosen for the Internship program have come from PAAAS’s Television Production Pilot Program, because it is the only school in the district that has a Television Production class built into the curriculum.  The school also has a studio which contains some equipment from a previous district program as well as new MAC Workstations equipped with the latest software. Under the tutelage and direction of PAAAS TV Production teacher Mr. Chris Paskewich,  students are taught theory and technique with hands on reinforcement.   In recent weeks the Chairman of the Board, Lamar David Mackson, has met with Plainfield Public School officials to discuss expanding the pilot partnership to include Maxson and Hubbard as well as Plainfield High School.

Since the commencement of the Budget Deliberation Hearings, hosted by the the City Council, the PCTVAB has placed several area students into production roles to capture these important forums as well as other community events.  Including the Plainfield Symphony’s most recent performance entitled “Mahler’s First”, the Advisory Board and its interns, under the leadership of Chairman Lamar David Mackson, has saved the city almost $2000.00 dollars in Production costs.

Area Student works in TV Studio environment

President of the City Council  Annie McWilliams stated,” The Council is very excited about the use of interns to capture these meetings.  Not only are the students able to sharpen their skills and help the city save money but they are also exposed to the inner workings of government operations.  It is a win-win for everybody!”

The Plainfield Cable Television Advisory Board has committed to sponsoring the remaining Budget Deliberation Meetings and has also vowed to increase the use of students within the Public Access Television Process.

For more information on the Plainfield Cable Advisory Board please visit the Facebook page by clicking here.  For more information on PCTV 96/34 Schedules click here.

Policies and Procedures